Powering over 24% of the web, WordPress spans the breadth of all things internet from single page portals to enterprise sites.

If you decide to use WordPress for your next site build you’ll be in good company. Plenty of well known blogs, Fortune 500 companies, and celebrities use WordPress; TechCrunch and The New York Times’ blogs to name a few. WordPress is entirely open source, which means as the community grows larger, the strength of the platform grows with it. From third party plugins to SEO capabilities, the power of WordPress is in the people who use it.
wordpress development

A breakdown of Wordpress features

Extremely simple to use

Out of the box, WordPress offers clean code, page and blog publishing, content management, search, polling modules, forums, user login portals and more, which means development times are much shorter.

Built-in comments

If you have a blog component to your site, you know how important it is to generate conversation and allow your users to engage with both your content and other users. Thankfully, WordPress’ comment tools come prebuilt for you to be create a forum and moderate discussions.

Search engine optimized & loved

With simple, clean code, WordPress is optimized for search engines right out of the box. In addition, each page, post, and image can have its own meta tags, descriptions, and titles, allowing for an incredible amount of precision and control over search engine optimization.


With nearly a quarter of the web being built on WordPress, it comes as no surprise that it is available in over 70 languages. So, no matter where your site visitor is located or what language they speak, they’re sure to be able to engage with your content.

Easy user management

Most users can be grouped into a few categories, all deserving of various access to your website. Wordpress makes it easy to set up administrator profiles, editors, authors, subscribers, etc so some users can be content creators while others are simply a part of your community.

Full standards compliance

Every page, blogpost, and comment is coded in compliance with the web standards set by the W3C. This means that your site will look consistent across today's browsers and be future proof against the next generation of web browsers.

Widespread availability of themes

With a massive catalog of themes, and seemingly endless variations within each theme, you’re site will always look fresh and current with today’s web design trends.

Numerous plugins available for extended functionality

With your new Wordpress site you’ll have access to a wealth of third party plugins that go above and beyond the stock Wordpress assets. So whether you’re looking for advanced SEO capabilities or in depth analytics you’re bound to find a plugin that’s right for you.

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